
3.5.1 Academic Year

Full-time faculty whose teaching load consists of traditional course offerings are expected to post and maintain a minimum of six office hours per week. Faculty members will arrange office hours convenient to the needs of their students. Exceptions to this policy may be made in cases where the faculty member has significant off-campus responsibilities (e.g., internship supervision, clinicals, and online instruction). Department heads will review exceptions to this policy to determine their justifiability prior to submitting the schedules to the dean. An instructor's office hours and e-mail address should be posted on the instructor’s door, and should be on file in the department office and in the dean’s office. The new course evaluation instrument contains specific wording addressing availability and responsiveness of faculty.

Adjunct and part-time faculty will maintain office hours according to the number of semester hours they teach each semester.
Specifically, the adjunct and part-time faculty member should have office hours according to the following schedule: Number of Hours Taught
Minimum Number of Office Hours Per Week
1-2 1
3-5 2
6-8 4
9+ 6

Approved 27-MAR-2013

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