
5.5.3 Criteria for Post-Tenure Review

Faculty must illustrate continued effectiveness in teaching and student engagement, service, and scholarship, which may be broadly defined. Student success is captured in all three categories of the FAR. Units with specific accreditation guidelines may require additional criteria.

The appropriate supervisor must meet with each candidate to discuss the results of PTR. Each candidate must receive a letter documenting the summary of the findings of the PTR. In the event of an unsuccessful PTR The candidate can provide a written rebuttal that will be attached to the final document; however, no action is required by the appropriate supervisor.

Faculty must participate in PTR and failure by a candidate to submit a portfolio for review after official notification of the requirement will result in an automatic unsatisfactory evaluation.  Official notification requires an email with a timestamp on or before the deadline.

Satisfactory post-tenure review

A determination of “satisfactory” in a post-tenure review requires that satisfactory performance has been sustained since the last review as documented in the candidate's annual reviews and portfolio. The results of a positive post-tenure review should be linked to recognition and reward. Candidates who are performing at noteworthy levels should receive recognition for their achievements through formal recognition and merit pay.

Unsatisfactory post-tenure review

A candidate who fails to receive a satisfactory evaluation by the dean will work to develop a formal Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) in consultation with the DPRTC, head/coordinator and dean to clearly resolve the issues identified in the PTR letters. The PIP must include next steps, due process rights, and the potential ramifications if the candidate does not remediate or demonstrate substantive progress towards remediation in the areas identified as unsatisfactory.

The assessment of the PIP will take the place of that year’s annual review and will include the departmental PTR committee’s evaluation of progress. The institution will follow appropriate due process mechanisms for a candidate to appeal the final assessment of their PIP and the resulting remedial actions as outlined below. [For appeals, see and further procedural guide .]