
2019 Spring Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

In Attendance: Dr. Teresa Conner-Kerr, Ms. Mary Beth Byerly, Dr. Carolynn DeSandre, Dr. Sharon Chalmers, Ms. Becky Farrow, Dr. MaryEllen Oesterle, Dr. Robert Powers, Ms. Holly Jones, Mr. Brian O’Rourke, Ms. Lynn Jackson, and Ms. Susan Miller.

Opening Remarks, Dr. Teresa Conner-Kerr

  • Location, Chestatee Regional Hospital
  • Welcome and agenda overview
  • Tour of the hospital

Projects and Programming, Dr. Teresa Conner-Kerr

  • Location, Chelsea Park Rehabilitation Center
  • Introduction of Marybeth Byerly, Development Officer
  • Rejuvenate the CHSP Council with the replacement of Steven Kronenberg.
  • CHSP is beginning a capital campaign with the gain of the hospital. We would be the first individual college to have a capital campaign.
  • Counseling has moved to the Cumming Campus

Dean’s Report, Dr. Conner-Kerr

  • The hospital will house:
    • A new Physician’s Assistant Program, pending approval
    • Nursing
    • Physical Therapy
    • Master’s in Clinical Laboratory Science w/Genetic Counseling Personalized Medicine, pending approval
    • Doctor of Nursing Practice (seven applicants, target of 10, maximum of 15)
    • Maker spaces on the bottom floor for IDEA for Rehab to develop ideas, patent, create prototypes of applications, medical devices, educational programs, or any other possible creations for clinical trials. These products will be geared around concerns relevant to our community.
  • New degree of Bachelors of Informatics with two pathways encouraged, one mandatory
    • Health Informatics
    • Healthcare Administration
    • Medical Tourism Health Concierge
    • Compliance and Reimbursement
  • New ppDPT Program
    • Five seats secured by MOU with Youngsan University in South Korea.
    • Six students at this time
  • Looking to have a named college
  • In the process for applying for a R15 NIH Research Enhancement Award
  • Partner with post graduate medical residency programs to support research which will be modeled after previous collaboration
  • Goal for number of council members is 16-25

Mary Beth Byerly, Development Officer

  • Looking to refresh and renew the CHSP Advisory Council
  • Starting term now and add members through nomination using Google Form, organize recruitment between now and May
  • Establish dates with the council chair for quarterly meetings at least a year in advance
  • Next meetings will be scheduled:
    • May-focus on growing the council including vendors
    • Late August-adopt priorities for the college
    • November

Dr. Teresa Conner-Kerr, Lynn Jackson, Becky Farrow

  • Discussion about the role of Dr. Conner-Kerr as Ex Officio voting or non-voting member-conclusion is that Dr. Conner-Kerr remains a voting ex officio member in the effort to encourage participation by all members so effort is in line with the vision of the college. A motion was made by Dr. Becky Farrow to keep Dr. Conner-Kerr as a voting Ex Officio member of the Council. A second was made by Brian O’Rourke. The motion was unanimously approved.
  • Vote to amend by-laws to remove “and the councils work is advisory to the dean.” Under Participation, item b. A motion was made to make the change. The motion was unanimously approved.

Interprofessional Education & Community Engagement Report, Dr. Carolynn DeSandre

  • Mock Disaster
    • Fourth Event-Bioterrorism - A virus will infect the campus
    • Double in size every year - This year approximately 600-1000 participants
    • Kickoff event - Kim Ryan will speak of her experiences during Hurricane Katrina
    • Students have been training through FEMA using the Homeland Security Emergency Disaster Preparedness
    • Upperclassmen will screen, quarantine, treat and decontaminate lower classmen.
    • This year we are adding assistance or participation from:
      • Department of Athletic Training
      • Corp of Cadets
      • Northeast Ga Health Systems
      • Army National Guard
      • Public Safety
      • President Jacobs
    • Possibility of our Mock Disasters to become a marketable product for the college
    • Future expectations are to add Health Centers and the Regional Coalition