
Jie Guo, Ph.D.

Jie Guo

Assistant Professor

Office locationNesbitt Academic Building, 5168,


Dr. Jie Guo earned her Ph.D. in Organizational Studies and Leadership from Binghamton University, the State University of New York (SUNY). In terms of research, her work is a rather integrated stream of research that focuses on leadership, including various precursors and consequences of, and contingencies on, various types of leadership. Her research interests include leader (dysfunctional) behavior, ostracism, precrastination, motivation, and temporal aspects in leadership. Her research has been published in the top-tier journals such as Journal of Organizational Behavior, Leadership Quarterly, and Group and Organization Management, and has more than ten conference papers, most of which were presented at the Academy of Management Conference.

Dr. Guo is an active researcher that she has received research funds from her college and university for various research projects. She is a current fellow of the Bernard M. and Ruth R Bass Center for Leadership Studies at SUNY Binghamton. She is or has served as a reviewer for Human Resource Management Quarterly, an ad hoc reviewer for Academy of Management Review, and serves as reviewer for the Annual Conference of the Academy of Management and Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

In addition to her research, Dr. Guo is deeply passionate about teaching. Her students frequently commend her professionalism and enthusiasm in the classroom. She has taught courses such as Foundations in Leadership, Team Leadership, Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, and Strategic Management at both undergraduate and graduate levels.


  • Ph.D., Management (Organizational Studies and Leadership), State University of New York at Binghamton, 2020
  • M.S., Human Resource Management, Rutgers University, 2014
  • B.A., Business Administration, Zhejiang University of Technology, 2012

Courses Taught

  • Leadership: Theories and Processes
  • Strategic Management
  • Fundamental in Management
  • Leadership and Motivation

Research/Special Interests

  • Leader Behavior
  • Motivation and Regulatory Theories
  • Career and Leadership Aspiration
  • Temporal Leadership
  • Multilevel Methods


Guo, J., Cho, I., Nifadkar, S. (2024). Conceptualization and measurement of workplace precrastination. Poster presented at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM).

Yang, F., Ding, L., Lu, M., Chen, G., Bai, C., Wang, F., Guo, J. (2023). When boss puts off, the team worse off: The mitigating role of initiative-enhancing HRM systems. Group & Organizational Management.

Eckardt, R., Dionne, S., Tsai, J., Dunne, D., Spain, S., Park, J., Cheong, M., Kim, J., Guo, J., Hao, C. & Kim, I. (2021). Human capital resource emergence and leadership. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(2), 269-295.

Kim, J., Yammarino, F. J., Dionne, S. D., Eckardt, R., Cheong, M., Guo, J., Park, J. W., & Tsai, C.-Y. (2020). State-of-the-science review of leader-follower dyad research. The Leadership Quarterly, 31(1), 1-18.

Guo, J. (2021) Leader pre- and procrastination, temporal resource utilization, and leader-follower relationship. Paper presented at the virtual 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM).

Guo, J., Wu, L. S. (2021) How supervisor ostracism gets catalyzed? Cognitive rumination and subordinate aggression. Paper accepted at the virtual 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM).

Guo, J., Dionne, S., Tsai, J. (2019) Follower perceived ineffectiveness and leadership: Intentionality and attribution to explain unintended hostility. Paper accepted at 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM).