
Tim Bellows Spotlight

English with a Writing and Publication Concentration (B.A.),
Graduated 2015

What are you doing now?

Technical Writer for a company that manufactures medical parts and devices

How did you get your current job?

Through Indeed. 

On a typical day in your position, what do you do?

The bulk of my job is providing the written portion of studies and reports concerning new batches of the products we produce. Other members of my team gather data regarding how a certain part is made, how many components were made in a batch, what issues there were with the manufacturing process, etc., and I write the documentation for it before working with the Quality department to add everything to our system.

I also write qualifications for new equipment, add new equipment to our internal system, and occasionally work with my managers to create training materials. 

What advice would you give someone considering English studies?

Don't get discouraged. Despite the stereotypes, there are a significant number of businesses that are willing and even eager to hire English majors. All the writing, researching, and presenting you do while earning a Bachelor's in English will refine your communication skills,  your critical thinking, and your ability to learn quickly and adapt to new situations. 

If you were in a position to hire new graduates, what characteristics would you be looking for?

The key is to have a well-worded cover letter and a clear, concise resume; these will serve as the first example of your writing that potential interviewers see, so they absolutely need to communicate your worth effectively.

A separate note regarding hiring: at nearly every job I've had since college, what I started doing at the time of hiring and what I ended up doing a year later were wildly different. As a point of personal advice, be prepared and willing to change, but only within reason; don't be afraid to stand up for yourself if a boss tries to move you to a role that isn't what you signed up for. 

How did the English major prepare you for your career?

It helped me fine-tune my communication skills (both written and verbal) so that I can always present my work, my questions, my opinions, and my advice in the clearest, most effective way possible. 

Please name any specific course (or courses) that has been particularly helpful to your post-graduation life.

Advanced Composition and Advanced Grammar 

Did you complete a minor? If so, what was it? If it has contributed to your career, please explain how.

Yes, I minored in Psychology. Psych goes hand in hand with English by helping me better get inside the head of the person I'm writing to or about. The best way to write effectively is to truly understand your audience.