
Power BI Demo 1 Video Transcript

This is the first video in our series of videos on interacting with dashboards in the Institutional Effectiveness web page.

So, I am going to spend a couple of minutes in video number one walking you through how to get to a dashboard and then also interacting with the dashboard, particularly slicers (using multiple slicers and selecting additional levels of data within the actual dashboard).

So, as you can see we're on the index page of the Institutional Effectiveness web page (www.ung.edu/IE/index) and down here at the bottom left, we're going to click "dashboards", and that's going to take you to an index of all of our dashboards that we currently have and (for the sake of this first video), we're going to click on the fall 2016 enrollment dashboard, which is all of our census data, and we're just going to look at a few different things.

Now the first thing that you're going to want to do is you're going to want to maximize this dashboard so that it takes up the entire screen (so that you can interact to its full potential).

So, you are going to click this double arrow here at the bottom into the full screen mode, and now you have your full-page dashboard.

Now, you notice we have a lot going on here on our dashboard.

We've got a number card right under enrollment statistics, and we've got two graphs related to our enrollment and under enrollment demographics we have an unduplicated headcount number card, and then we also have some slicers that will allow you to interact with the data and view the data from your particular perspective, and then also down here at the bottom you can see that we can interact with the various pages of a dashboard.

This particular dashboard has three pages.

So what we're going to talk about first is the use of slicers.

So, everything is (all of the graphs and all of the number cards) in tune with our slicers over here so say I am from the Cumming campus, and I wanted to view all of this information just for my campus.

All you are going to do is click the Cumming button here on the slicer, and then everything changes to fit the Cumming campus.

So, we had 938 students this past fall and there's the breakdown by degree level, and then you see some of the number cards are updated also to reflect the Cumming campus.

Now you can also interact with multiple slicers at one time, so not only do I want to see Cumming-campus students, but I want to see only those that are the undergraduate level.

So, I'm just going to click the undergraduate slicer, and you see the breakdown there (associate or less and baccalaureate).

Now, our number card here for the unduplicated headcount (that's the only thing we have that's not tied to the slicers), so that obviously will not update based on class level, but it will update based on Cumming.

So I am going to un-click those just for a second and show you another element of our dashboard that you might not be aware of.

So, up here in the upper left hand corner of the majority of our graphs on our dashboard, you're going to have the option to go to the next level in the hierarchy.

So currently we are viewing our fall 2016 enrollment by campus and then also by degree level.

So we have some other levels of data built in- let's view those.

If we go to the next level-well now we can view fall 2016 enrollment by gender (female and male) and also by campus.

Another level we can view it by race and ethnicity by campus.

So, we have to three levels of data built in to this one graph, so we're going to drill back up.

Now this little option here-it's not something that you're going to want to use for our particular dashboards-basically it builds all of those levels into one hierarchy.

I'll show you what it does just so you won't have the desire to click on it yourself.

What it's going to do is it's going to pull in our degree level and gender, and then if you click it again it's going to pull in degree level, gender, and race and ethnicity (which is probably a lot more than you really want and so we're just going to come back up here and view the dashboard in its entirety).

So, this is the first video of interacting with dashboards.