
Putting Multiple Intelligences to Work for You

Inside and Outside of the Classroom
Multiple Intelligence Class-time Strategies Out of Class Study Strategies
Verbal-Linguistic Take notes in different colors: concepts in one, examples in another; underline words/concepts you will transfer to flash cards; ask questions about the assigned reading, such as “What does the textbook mean when it says _____?” Rewrite or type notes in a different style; outline chapters; explain new course concepts to someone; recite information out loud; develop a story line of the information; read with a classmate, discussing the information one section at a time; create practice tests with a classmate and quiz each other; convert word problems to numbers and vice-versa, determining which pieces of information are unnecessary for solving the problem; create a concept map that explains how information covered in the course is connected; read textbook assignments out loud; work a crossword puzzle or read a book as a reward for completing a study session
Logical-Mathematical Organize notes logically; highlight patterns in notes; ask questions in class that attempt to identify the logic, context, or pattern of the information being discussed, such as “Why was _____ such a critical event leading up to WW2?” Explain information sequentially to someone; develop/find patterns; outline notes; link material together in your mind - how C builds on B, how B builds on A; create tables that show patterns and if/then relations; create a concept map that shows connections of parts to the whole; play chess or work a Sudoku puzzle as a reward for completing a study session
Visual-Spatial Color-code notes: concepts in one, examples in another; make references in notes to specific imagery the information evokes; ask professor what something “looks like” when it’s activated (e.g., when macrophages are attacking a foreign antigen) Graphically organize information; draw concept maps; associate course information with art you know or created, places you’ve been to or seen; add color to B&W images; draw diagrams of word problems; visualize vocabulary words and concepts; use arts and crafts time as a reward for completing a study session
Interpersonal Make references in notes about relational aspects of the information: how concept A is related to concept B; or how concept C exhibits principles of parent-child relationships; or how is fact A related to fact C; ask questions in class about how the information today is related to the information presented last class time Form a study group; participate in discussion boards, IM, or texting to explain information; teach someone else the information; create a concept map that shows how facts, ideas, concepts are inter-related; interview someone who works in the field of the coursework you’re studying (e.g., for a history class, email an archivist from the local library); use social time with friends as a reward for completing a study session
Bodily-Kinesthetic Make references in notes to songs or music or rhythms that the concepts remind you of; make note of patterns, trends, overlap, repetition, ideas working together “in concert”; ask questions in class about patterns, trends, style, setting Write songs or raps to help learn concepts; while reading/studying, play music that stimulates your brain but doesn't distract; chant information in rhythmic fashion; create concept/vocabulary jingles; create lyrics to a familiar tune that explains or describes an important concept or process; use rhymes to remember information; use music breaks as a reward for studying
Intrapersonal In your notes, make reference to mental imagery evoked by the information; ask questions in class about how the information applies to other contexts (e.g., “do babies in all countries acquire language the same way American babies do?”) Allow yourself time to “sit with” information, reflecting on it, analyzing it; study in a quiet area; imagine an essay, experiment, or project before beginning; use brainstorming techniques to plan an essay or project; create concept maps; use brain-teasers as a reward after a study session
Naturalistic Make reference in your notes to categories, as well as relationships among ideas and facts; reference any connections between the information and the natural world; ask questions in class about environmental impact Identify ways items do or don’t fit together; study in natural settings; create concept maps that shows natural groupings of similar ideas and/or compare and contrast relationships; write or illustrate how the course information is connected with information from other courses; use a nature hike as a reward for completing a study session


Challenge yourself:

Take your top three MIs, and develop a study strategy that incorporates all three. For example, someone who is BodilyKinesthetic, Visual-Spatial, and Interpersonal might create a concept map on a piece of butcher paper, using different shapes and colors, to represent the information in a textbook chapter, and then discuss the concept map in detail with a classmate, encouraging him/her to ask questions for clarification. Your combined strategies may differ, depending upon the subject matter and the way the course is taught.

Establishing Connection...