An introduction toÌýstructures in Western music, including rhythm, meter, scales, intervals, triads, and basic concepts in harmony. Skills may include writing, listening,Ìýtranscribing,Ìýperforming,Ìýand analysis.ÌýThe course assumes little or no prior knowledge of music theory. Music majors may use this courseÌýto prepareÌýforÌýtheÌýfour-semester music theory sequence.
A study of basic structures and processes in music with a focus on tonal harmony. Students will learn concepts through written and aural analysis, part writing, and composition. Class assignments make regular use of technology.
A continuation of Music Theory I, with deeper study of diatonic harmony and introduction to chromatic harmony.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1001 with a grade of C or higher
Development of fundamental aural skills through aural identification, dictation, and sight-singing, with a focus on intervals, triads, and basic melodies, rhythm, and harmony. Meets two hours per week.
Corequisite: MUSC 1001
A continuation of Aural Skills I, with more complex diatonic melodies, rhythm, and harmony. Meets two hours per week.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1001 and MUSC 1011 with grades of C or higherCorequisite: MUSC 1002
An introduction to music history and literature. Topics will include fundamental music terminology, engaged listening, styles/genres of major creative eras, the relationship between culture and music, and the various uses/purposes of music. This course will address western art music,Ìýnon-western music, and American popular music. Attendance at concerts outside of regular class time is required.
An introduction to music history and literature. Topics will include fundamental music terminology, engaged listening, styles/genres of major creative eras, the relationship between culture and music, and the various uses/purposes of music. This course will address western art music,Ìýnon-western music, and American popular music. Attendance at concerts outside of regular class time is required.
Prerequisite: Acceptance to Honors Program
Undergraduate students seeking music degrees are required to complete the requisite semesters of concert attendance by attending a combination of a least ten (10) approved concerts, recitals, and master classes each semester. Successful completion of two semesters of MUSC 1201 is required to graduate in the Associates program. Successful completion of an additional four semesters of MUSC 1201 is required to graduate in the Bachelors program. This course is repeatable up to 8 times.
An introductory course in piano for non-music majors who have had little or no previous instruction. Emphasis will be on music reading skills and basic keyboarding techniques. The laboratory instructional context is reinforced by performance-based assessment. The course is repeatable up to 4 times for credit.
An introductory course in the development of basic keyboard skills designed for the music major whose applied concentration is not piano, with emphasis on the development and application of basic keyboard skills. Meets two hours per week.
Prerequisite: Declared major in Music or Music Education or minor in Music, or instructor permission
A continuation of Class Piano I. Further training in the development and application of keyboard skills using increasingly advanced materials and techniques. Meets two hours per week.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1321 with a grade of C or better
An introductory course on the basics of singing and vocal technique. Students will learn through a combination of solo and group singing as well as lectures. Topics of this course will includeÌýposture, breathing, tone production, vocal anatomy, and vocal development. Class meets two hours per week.
This course teaches basic guitar skills to students at any level inÌýseveral different styles (pop, rock and roll, blues, country, jazz, andÌýclassical). Previous musical experience is not required. Meet two hours per week.
A survey of American music, including the fundamental terminology, basic listening skills, and an introduction to music's multicultural roots based in the Anglo-, African-, Native-, and Latin-American folk traditions.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for mixed-voice choral ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified maleÌýstudents by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for men's choral ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified male cadets by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for men's chorus with emphasis on military repertoire.Ìý Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Corequisite: Active member of the Corps of Cadets
Open to all qualified female students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for treble-voice choral ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for a select mixed-voice choral ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for wind band. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to qualified students (cadet and civilian) by audition. The Golden Eagle Marching Band is the oldest student organization on the North Georgia campus. Formed in 1873 as a part of the Corps of Cadets, the Golden Eagle Band has a long and rich heritage as the marching band at North Georgia.ÌýIn addition to performing for ceremonial military events, the group marches in local and regional parades, events, and exhibitions.ÌýEnsemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to qualified students by audition. The ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Pep Band serves to enhance the ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Athletic program and foster school spirit through performances at most home (and occasionally away) basketball games and other athletic & university events. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to qualified students by audition. The Nighthawk Drumline serves to enhance the ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Athletic program and foster school spirit through performances at most home (and occasionally away) basketball games and other athletic & university events. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition, with consideration of instrumentation needs for a standard 17-piece jazz ensemble. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for jazz ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for orchestra. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for various chamber ensembles. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for small-group jazz combo with a focus on improvisation, arranging, and composition. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for percussion instruments of all types and conditions. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for guitar instruments of all types and conditions. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues.ÌýThis course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of Mexican folk music in traditional Mariachi style. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues.ÌýThis course is repeatable for up to 8Ìýcredit hours
Open to qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of operatic and Broadway musical theatre selections, scenes, and productions. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues.ÌýThis course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours
Open to qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for large brass choir or brass band. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus nad off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for piano ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
A continuation of Music Theory II, with deeper study of chromatic harmony and an introduction to phrase structure and form.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1002 with a grade of C or higher
A continuation of Music Theory III, with deeper study of form and early 20th-century compositional techniques.
Prerequisite: MUSC 2001 with a grade of C or higher
A continuation of Aural Skills II, with more complex melodies, rhythm, and harmony. Meets two hours per week.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1002 and MUSC 1012 with grades of C or higherCorequisite: MUSC 2001
A continuation of Aural Skills III, with additional chromaticism and more complex rhythm. Meets two hours per week.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2001 and MUSC 2011 with grades of C or higherÌý
Corequisite: MUSC 2002
This course addresses English, Italian, and Latin pronunciation for singing. The course will use the International Phonetic Alphabet and require preparation and performance of English, Italian, and Latin texts in literature and musical settings. Meets two hours per week.
Prerequisite: Completion of one semester of MUAP 1510 or MUAP 1610 with a grade of C or higher, or permission of instructor
This course will address German and French pronunciation for singing. The course will use the International Phonetic Alphabet and require preparation and performance of German and French texts in literature and musical settings. Meets two hours per week.
Prerequisite: Completion of one semester of MUAP 1510 or MUAP 1610 with a grade of C or higher, or permission of instructor
Special interest course with varying subject matter. The course is repeatable once for a total of up to 2-6 credit hours.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
A hands-on introduction to the basic skills, ideas, and approaches used to improvise and ornament music.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1002 with a grade of C or higher
A continuation of Class Piano II. Further training in the development and application of keyboard skills and technique including sight-reading and harmonization. Meets two hours per week.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1322 with a grade of C or better
A continuation of Class Piano III. Further training in the development and application of keyboard skills and technique including improvisation and intermediate piano literature. Meets two hours per week.
Prerequisite: MUSCÌý2321 with a grade of C or better
Comprehensive keyboard musicianship course for advanced pianists emphasizing the development of sight reading, harmonization, transposition, improvisation, playing by ear, and vocal and instrumental score reading. Ensemble piano music is also performed. This course addresses components of the keyboard competency requirement for piano performance majors.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1002 and either MUAP 1520 or MUAP 1620 with a grade of C or higher, or permission of instructor
A continuation of Advanced Keyboard Proficiency I. Successful completion of this course will equip advanced piano students to successfully pass the major level piano proficiency requirement.
Prerequisite: MUSC 2323 with a grade of C or higher
Through an exploration of various genres, this course will acquaint pianists with the skills and demands required of a collaborative artist. Opera, song, and instrumental literature will be discussed, prepared, and performed as part of this course.
Prerequisite: MUAP 1520 or MUAP 1620 with a grade of C or higher and permission of instructor
Performance-based instruction in the development of basic skills necessary for music composition. Instruction may be given in either a group or individual setting or a combination of the two, depending upon the starting level and academic needs of the student.ÌýThe course is repeatable for up to 16Ìýcredit hours.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1001
A musical survey of the history of rock and roll, the course begins with the origins of the genre, tracing its development, and exploring its derivatives until present day. Furthermore, students will examine the subject matter from musicological, sociological, and historical perspectives.
Introduction to world music and cultural areas of the world, with emphasis on ancient and modern art and folk music of world cultures, including traditional music of Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Europe, as they relate to contemporary culture. The course explores their structures, forms, instruments, performance practices, contexts, and roles in social, cultural, and global systems.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for mixed-voice choral ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified male students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for men's choral ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified male cadets by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for men's chorus with emphasis on military repertoire.Ìý Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Corequisite: Active member of the Corps of Cadets
Open to all qualified female students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for treble-voice choral ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for a select mixed-voice choral ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for wind band. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to qualified students (cadet and civilian) by audition. The Golden Eagle Marching Band is the oldest student organization on the North Georgia campus. Formed in 1873 as a part of the Corps of Cadets, the Golden Eagle Band has a long and rich heritage as the marching band at North Georgia.ÌýIn addition to performing for ceremonial military events, the group marches in local and regional parades, events, and exhibitions.ÌýEnsemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to qualified students by audition. The ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Pep Band serves to enhance the ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Athletic program and foster school spirit through performances at most home (and occasionally away) basketball games and other athletic & university events. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues.ÌýThis course is repeatable for up to 8Ìýcredit hours.
Open to qualified students by audition. The Nighthawk Drumline serves to enhance the ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Athletic program and foster school spirit through performances at most home (and occasionally away) basketball games and other athletic & university events. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues.ÌýThis course is repeatable for up to 8Ìýcredit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition, with consideration of instrumentation needs for a standard 17-piece jazz ensemble. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for jazz ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for orchestra. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for various chamber ensembles. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for small-group jazz combo with a focus on improvisation, arranging, and composition. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for percussion instruments of all types and conditions. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for guitar instruments of all types and conditions. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues.ÌýThis course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of Mexican folk music in traditional Mariachi style. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues.ÌýThis course is repeatable for up to 8Ìýcredit hours.
Open to qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of operatic and Broadway musical theatre selections, scenes, and productions. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues.ÌýThis course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours
Open to qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for large brass choir or brass band. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues.ÌýThis course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for piano ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Study of instrumentation and transcription of musical examples from one genre to another including the adaptation of musical styles. Application of current digital music technology is integrated into the curriculum.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1002 with a grade of C or higher or permission of instructor
The study of larger-scale musical structures, including motivic development, phrase structure, and form.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1002 with a grade of C or higher
Analysis and writing of counterpoint. Topics to include sixteenth-century species counterpoint, the vocal music of Palestrina, and eighteenth-century counterpoint, including the inventions and fugues of J.S. Bach.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1002 with a grade of C or higher
This course is intended to assist the music student in understanding, scoring, composing and arranging for a wide range of choral ensembles, both a cappella and with various accompaniments. Application of current digital music technology is integrated into the curriculum.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1002 with a grade of C or higher or permission of instructor
Basic conducting technique with conducting exercises and examples from the choral and instrumental music repertoires will be used to enhance the students' understanding of effective conducting gestures and will help lay the foundation for the premise that conducting is a visual art. Emphasis will be given to the application of conducting techniques in a classroom instructional context.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1002
A study ofÌýthe art of interpreting the instrumental score and translating it into musical sounds. Emphasis will be placed on score analysis and preparation, conducting technique,Ìýrehearsal techniques, and standard band/orchestra literature.
Prerequisite: MUSC 3201 with a grade of C or higher
A study of the art of interpreting the choral score and translating it into musical sounds. Emphasis will be placed on score analysis and preparation, conducting technique, rehearsal techniques, and standard choral literature.
Prerequisite: MUSC 3201 with a grade of C or higher
A course designed to acquaint musicians with current, relevant music technology with applications focusing on both instructional and studio contexts. This course includes an introduction to acoustics and audio equipment, an overview of the current technology available in many classrooms and studios, and hands-on experiences with applications of current technology. Emphasis is given to incorporating music technology into internet-based settings and the instructional process.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1000 or MUSC 1001 or Permission of Instructor
An introduction to the creation of music through digital audio software. Students learn skills necessary to create music environments suited for professional opportunities in the areas of film, video games, broadcast media, and all types of music production. The course is designed to familiarize the student with the virtual music studio environment with current digital audio workstation technology including the development and design of audio, software synthesizers, mixing, editing, equipment, and other techniques.
Prerequisites: Either MUSC 1000 & 1320 or MUSC 1011 & 1321 with grades of C or higher or permission of instructor
Audio Recording & Production I will focus on the development of concepts and skills utilized in the practice of capturing and editing audio in both live and studio contexts. ARP I will primarily focus on developing intermediate-level skills around microphone theory and practice with an emphasis on microphone techniques used in the recording of live and studio performances. In addition, students will explore concepts involving audio mixing theory and practice.
Prerequisite: MUSC 3230 with a grade of C or higher
A continuation of ARP I, Audio Recording & Production II will explore the concepts and skills utilized in the practice of capturing and editing audio in both live and studio contexts in more depth. Emphasis will be placed on intermediate mixing theory and practice, and on developing skills in the use of external hardware such as mic pre-amps compressors, and EQs employed in the mix and mastering process. Students will continue to explore microphone theory and practice relative to the advanced mixing concepts discussed in the course.
Prerequisite: MUSC 3251 with a grade of C or better
A continuation of ARP I & II, Audio Recording & Production III will explore practical application of concepts and skills involved in the practice of capturing and editing audio in both live and studio contexts. An emphasis will be placed on mastery of intermediate level skills sets associated with microphone and mixing concepts as well as usage of external hardware such as mic pre-amps and compressors, etc. employed in the mix and mastering process. Students will also explore mixing, and production techniques utilized in the production of live audio events.
Prerequisite: MUSC 3252 with a grade of C or higher
A lab designed to accompany Audio Recording & Production III, this course is designed to provide students experiential learning opportunities in A.R.P. Students will be assigned to various experiences and/or special projects that allow them to work hands-on with the technologies taught or referenced throughout the A.R.P. sequence.
Prerequisite: MUSC 3252 with a grade of C or higherÌý
Corequisite: MUSC 3253
This course will examine the various aspects of the music industry as it pertains to the practicing musician. Students will cultivate the skills and tools necessary to make them versatile and flexible in an ever-changing landscape for modern professional musicians.
Techniques for the realization of harmonic accompaniment at the piano. Instruction focuses on the development of a solid understanding of the circle-of-fifths harmonic progression in an applied context.
Prerequisite: Either MUSC 2321, MUAP 1520, or MUAP 1620
A continuation of MUSC 2325, this course will focus on the development of more advanced skills necessary for collaborative pianists.ÌýIn addition to in-class instruction, students in this course should expect to have one or more vocal and/or instrumental collaborative assignments which will require time outside of class.ÌýThis course is repeatable up to 5 times.
Prerequisite: MUSC 2325 with a grade of C or higher
This course offers advanced study of mind/body preparations for singing, anatomy and physiology of the vocal mechanism, care and use of the voice, models and guidelines for teaching, repertoire selection and use, instructional techniques, and the diagnosis and solving of vocal problems. Class meets two hours per week.
Prerequisite: Completion of 2 semesters of MUAP 2610 and successful barrier jury to MUAP 3610 or permission of instructor
This course is designed for music students who are planning to teach instrumental music and are working for certification P-12. Students will be required to demonstrate a basic playing facility on one or more Brass instruments. In addition, the course will deal with the principles and specific problems of each instrument in the brass family, and students will be expected to demonstrate the basic concepts and procedures used in teaching brass instruments to beginners.
This course is designed for music students who are planning to teach instrumental music and are working for certification P-12. Students will be required to demonstrate a basic playing facility on one or more Woodwind instruments. In addition, the course will deal with the principles and specific problems of each instrument in the woodwind family, and students will be expected to demonstrate the basic concepts and procedures used in teaching woodwind instruments to beginners.
This course is designed for music students who are planning to teach instrumental music and are working for certification P-12. Students will be required to demonstrate a basic playing facility on each of the basic Percussion instruments. In addition, the course will deal with the principles and specific problems of each instrument in the percussion family, and students will be expected to demonstrate the basic concepts and procedures used in teaching percussion instruments to beginners.
An intensive course designed for music students who are planning to teach and are working for P-12 certification. Students will be required to demonstrate a basic playing facility on one or more string instruments. In addition, the course will deal with the principles and specific problems of each instrument in the string family, and students will be expected to demonstrate the basic concepts and procedures used in teaching strings to beginners.
An intensive course for music students who are interested in developing basic skills in jazz improvisation. Students will be required to develop proficiency in the fundamentals of improvisation including interpretation of standard chord symbols, transcription of classic jazz solos, critical listening, understanding of simple jazz theory practices, and development of stylistically accurate performance practice.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1002
This course will explore pedagogical methods, techniques, physiology, materials, and literature for teaching brass instruments in the applied studio from beginner to advanced levels.
Prerequisite: Completion of 2 semesters of MUAP 2630 and successful barrier jury to MUAP 3630 or permission of instructor
This course will explore pedagogical methods, techniques, physiology, materials, and literature for teaching woodwind instruments in the applied studio from beginner to advanced levels.
Prerequisite: Completion of 2 semesters of MUAP 2640 and successful barrier jury to MUAP 3640 or permission of instructor
This course will explore pedagogical methods, techniques, physiology, materials, and literature for teaching percussion instruments in the applied studio from beginner to advanced levels.
Prerequisite: Completion of 2 semesters of MUAP 2650 and successful barrier jury to MUAP 3650 or permission of instructor
This course will explore pedagogical methods, techniques, physiology, materials, and literature for teaching orchestral string instruments in the applied studio from beginner to advanced levels.
Prerequisite: Completion of 2 semesters of MUAP 2660 and successful barrier jury to MUAP 3660 or permission of instructor
This course will explore pedagogical methods, techniques, physiology, materials, and literature for teaching guitar in the applied studio from beginner to advanced levels.
Prerequisite: Completion of 2 semesters of MUAP 2660 and successful barrier jury to MUAP 3660 or permission of instructor
This course will explore pedagogical methods, techniques, physiology, materials, and literature for teaching piano in the applied studio from beginner to intermediate levels.
Prerequisite: Completion of 2 semesters of MUAP 2620 and successful barrier jury to MUAP 3620 or permission of instructor
A continuation of MUSC 3338, this course further explores pedagogical methods, techniques, physiology, materials, and literature for teaching piano in the applied studio. Piano Pedagogy II combines information learned in Piano Pedagogy I with additional concepts and ideas for direct application.
Prerequisite: MUSC 3338 with a grade of C or higher or permission of the instructor
A performance proficiency for all music majors. The student will prepare a 25-30 minute program with varied repertoire that demonstrates appropriate technical fluency, subject to the approval of the supervising instructor.
Prerequisites: Completion of two semesters of MUAP 26xx andÌýjunior standing orÌýpermission of Department HeadCorequisite: MUAP 36xx or MUAP 46xx
A survey of Western art music from Antiquity through the Baroque era, the course explores the music and society of the principal eras, including genres, composers, musicians, musical literature, conceptions of music, musical notation, performance practice, and primary sources. Furthermore, the course assists students to develop the skills necessary to begin conducting research and writing about music.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1002 with a grade of C or higher or permission of instructor
A survey of Western art music from the late Baroque era to the turn of the twentieth century, the course explores the music and society of the principal eras, including genres, composers, musicians, musical literature, conceptions of music, musical notation, performance practice, and primary sources. Furthermore, the course assists students to develop the skills necessary to begin conducting research and writing about music.
Prerequisite: MUSC 2001 with a grade of C or higher or permission of instructor
A survey of Western art music since 1900, the course explores the music and society of the period, including genres, composers, musicians, musical literature, conceptions of music, musical notation, performance practice, and primary sources. The course also includes a survey of world music and explores the traditional, popular and classical musics of non-Western societies. Furthermore, the course assists students to develop the skills necessary to conduct in-depth research and to write about music.
Prerequisite: MUSC 2001 with a grade of C or higher or permission of instructor
A survey of the diverse music of Appalachia, the course explores the historical and contemporary cultural contexts of music selected from this region. In the course, emphasis will be placed on the examination of the music (both recorded and live performance), situating its significance within Appalachian culture.
A survey of traditional and contemporary religious music literature. Emphasis is given to the exploration of the religious music of various cultures. Other topics include hymnology and contemporary worship practices. Students develop critical thinking skills through the execution of value judgments about music that is presented in class. Selected works will be examined through audio and visual presentations, lectures and readings.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for mixed-voice choral ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified male students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for men's choral ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified male cadets by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for men's chorus with emphasis on military repertoire.Ìý Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Corequisite: Active member of the Corps of Cadets
Open to all qualified female students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for treble-voice choral ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for a select mixed-voice choral ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for wind band. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to qualified students (cadet and civilian) by audition. The Golden Eagle Marching Band is the oldest student organization on the North Georgia campus. Formed in 1873 as a part of the Corps of Cadets, the Golden Eagle Band has a long and rich heritage as the marching band at North Georgia.ÌýIn addition to performing for ceremonial military events, the group marches in local and regional parades, events, and exhibitions.ÌýEnsemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to qualified students by audition. The ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Pep Band serves to enhance the ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Athletic program and foster school spirit through performances at most home (and occasionally away) basketball games and other athletic & university events. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to qualified students by audition. The Nighthawk Drumline serves to enhance the ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Athletic program and foster school spirit through performances at most home (and occasionally away) basketball games and other athletic & university events. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition, with consideration of instrumentation needs for a standard 17-piece jazz ensemble. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for jazz ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for orchestra. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for various chamber ensembles. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for small-group jazz combo with a focus on improvisation, arranging, and composition. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for percussion instruments of all types and conditions. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for guitar instruments of all types and conditions. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of Mexican folk music in traditional Mariachi style. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues.ÌýThis course is repeatable for up to 8Ìýcredit hours.
Open to qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of operatic and Broadway musical theatre selections, scenes, and productions. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues.ÌýThis course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for large brass choir or brass band. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues.ÌýThis course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for piano ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues.ÌýThis course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Special interest course with varying subject matter. The course is repeatable up to a maximum of 6 credit hours total.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
Special interest course with varying subject matter. Course is repeatable up to a total of 2 hours.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
Special interest course with varying subject matter. Course is repeatable up to a total of 4 hours.
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor
Special interest course with varying subject matter. Course is repeatable up to a total of 6 hours.Ìý
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor
A capstone course for students majoring in music with a concentration in performance culminating in the public presentation of a 50-60 minute senior recital that demonstrates an appropriate and varied repertoire, technical fluency, and musicianship in the student's major applied medium.
Prerequisites: Completion of two semesters of MUAP 36xx with a grade of C or higher and senior standing or permission of Department Head
Corequisite: MUAP 46xx
A capstone course for music majors that integrates the student's academic and applied experiences in music. The project may take various forms, depending on the student's interest, and may be in the form of a research paper, lecture recital, composition recital, presentation, or another approved medium. The project may involve topics in historical musicology, music theory, technology, composition, music therapy, or other fields.
Prerequisites: Completion of 90 hours of coursework and permission of the Music Department HeadCorequisite: MUSC 4320
A capstone course for students majoring in music. The culmination of this course is the public presentation of a senior composition project. Subject to the approval of the supervising instructor, the student will propose and complete a concert program of sufficient scope and variety to demonstrate a mastery of the compositional process appropriate to the degree being obtained. The student is responsible for coordinating rehearsals with performers who may participate in the public performance.
Prerequisites: Minimum of two semesters of MUSC 2340 and one semester of MUSC 4340 and permission of the Music Department Head
A course offered on an as-needed basis to students who wish to do special directed music studies which do not conform to the guidelines of another course offering.ÌýThe course is repeatable for up to 3Ìýcredit hours total.
A continuation of MUSC 2340 focusing on advanced compositional techniques with a greater emphasis on structure, unity, and variety. Instruction may be given in either a group or individual setting or a combination of the two, depending upon the academic needs of the student.ÌýThe course is repeatable for up to 8Ìýcredit hours.
Prerequisites: Completion of 4 credits of MUSC 2340 with grades of C or higher and successful portfolio review.
A survey of piano literature from the Baroque through the Classical periods. Topics will include stylistic analysis, performance practices, and problems. Selected works will be examined through audio and visual presentations, lectures, and readings.
Prerequisite: MUSC 3401 with a grade of C or higher or permission of instructor
A continuation of Keyboard Literature I, the course will explore literature from 1825 through about 1925. Topics will include stylistic analysis, performance practices, and problems. Selected works will be examined through audio and visual presentations, lectures, and readings.
Prerequisites: MUSC 3402 with a grade of C or higher or permission of instructor
A history of keyboard instruments, including their role in musical culture, technical developments, and 17th- and 18th-century performance practice.
Prerequisite: Completion of MUSC 2321 or two semesters of either MUAP 2520 or MUAP 2620 with a grade of C or higher or permission of instructor
An examination of French and Italian art song literature through the study of selected works by representative composers. Topics will include study of historical and stylistic characteristics as well as performance practice.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2211 and MUSC 2212 with grades of C or higher or permission of instructor
An examination of German and English (British/American) art song literature through the study of selected works by representative composers. Topics will include study of historical and stylistic characteristics as well as performance practice.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2211 and MUSC 2212 with a grade of C or higher or permission of instructor
This course will provide a broad survey of the history of instruments and their literature and may include solo, chamber, and large ensemble repertoire.ÌýSelected works and histories will be examined through audio and video presentations, readings, lectures, and discussions.
Prerequisite: One credit MUAP 25xx or MUAP 26xx with a grade of C or higher, or permission of the instructor
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for mixed-voice choral ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified male students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for men's choral ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified male cadets by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for men's chorus with emphasis on military repertoire.Ìý Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.Ìý
Corequisite: Active member of the Corps of Cadets
Open to all qualified female students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for treble-voice choral ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for a select mixed-voice choral ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for wind band. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to qualified students (cadet and civilian) by audition. The Golden Eagle Marching Band is the oldest student organization on the North Georgia campus. Formed in 1873 as a part of the Corps of Cadets, the Golden Eagle Band has a long and rich heritage as the marching band at North Georgia.ÌýIn addition to performing for ceremonial military events, the group marches in local and regional parades, events, and exhibitions.ÌýEnsemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to qualified students by audition. The ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Pep Band serves to enhance the ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Athletic program and foster school spirit through performances at most home (and occasionally away) basketball games and other athletic & university events. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues.ÌýThis course is repeatable for up to 8Ìýcredit hours.
Open to qualified students by audition. The Nighthawk Drumline serves to enhance the ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Athletic program and foster school spirit through performances at most home (and occasionally away) basketball games and other athletic & university events. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues.ÌýThis course is repeatable for up to 8Ìýcredit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition, with consideration of instrumentation needs for a standard 17-piece jazz ensemble. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for jazz ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for orchestra. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for various chamber ensembles. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for small-group jazz combo with a focus on improvisation, arranging, and composition. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for percussion instruments of all types and conditions. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for guitar instruments of all types and conditions. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues.ÌýThis course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to all qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of Mexican folk music in traditional Mariachi style. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues.ÌýThis course is repeatable for up to 8Ìýcredit hours.
Open to qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of operatic and Broadway musical theatre selections, scenes, and productions. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues.ÌýThis course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for large brass choir or brass band. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues.ÌýThis course is repeatable for up to 8 credit hours.
Open to qualified students by audition. This course encompasses the study, rehearsal, and performance of literature appropriate for piano ensemble. Ensemble members are required to participate in rehearsals and performances beyond the stated regular class times at both on-campus and off-campus venues.ÌýThis course is repeatable for up to 8Ìýcredit hours.