
Student Testimonials

"My time in China was amazing! I miss it a lot. It's so easy to get around there. It's also incredible how much of a bond I formed with the students despite not speaking the same language. Sometimes communication issues would come up in the classroom and that could be stressful, but overall it worked out. I really liked the apartment that the school provided, and there were plenty of food options at the school dining hall as well as in the town. The apartments had kitchens, but honestly most of the teachers and I ate out most meals because it was pretty cheap and more convenient. I'd recommend the program and teaching abroad through AIEG to anyone!" - Sarah S., Spring 2019

“Thank you thank you thank you! This course met and exceeded my expectations, especially as I am not typically fond of online courses. I enjoyed the projects we were able to do as groups, reading and responding to other students input, and found the course had a good flow and build up of information. The resources you gave us are invaluable.” Lauren H., Spring 2019

"This TEFL program has provided so much useful information that I will carry into my future classrooms. I am so glad I invested my time and money into this certificate because it has truly opened so many doors for me. I am excited to put into practice everything I have learned and to learn even more from my experiences." Monica P., Spring 2019

“You have provided an abundance of information, resources, and practical strategies, techniques, and approaches that I can implement immediately. The course material again was well thought out and the knowledge I have gained has definitely equipped me to enter my future TEFL classroom with confidence.” Linda R., Spring 2019

“The TEFL program has taught me a lot of information on the requirements and has provided me with lots of knowledge of what I will be practicing onto my future students and classrooms. I really enjoyed the whole program because I like that we went over culture, linguistics, and grammar that was super helpful to me because it made me think quite deeply on how I would explain the grammar rules to students and this course to wrap it up as a whole has taught me that being a teacher requires for the teacher to prepare lesson plans well, communicate well, and for the teacher to be organized because without organization and sloppiness it can be disastrous.” Mariely L., Spring 2019

“I felt that the course was very well structured and moved naturally and seamlessly from more theoretic topics such as intercultural competence and grammar concepts to more practical aspects like teaching different language skills and lesson plans to the more unpleasant sides of the job, grading, tests and classroom management or disciplinary measures.” Samira S., Spring 2019

"I've taken a few online courses now, and this has been my absolute best experience to date. With online classes, we don't get the satisfaction of being in a classroom, live & in-person. So it's very easy for communication to become quite cold and void of personality. Yet with TEFL, every week us students received quality feedback, comments, check-ins, etc, and that undoubtedly contributed to our success." - Isabella M., Fall 2018

"This program has been extremely beneficial and has broadened my horizons and made me more informed about things I never would have thought about. In addition, this program has introduced many ideas that I never thought I would need to implement in an EFL classroom, but because of this program I realize there is so much more to teaching EFL students than I originally thought, and I feel much more prepared to teach EFL students both here in the United States and overseas somewhere. I am so glad that I took a chance and decided to enroll in this program; I have learned information that will help me for years to come." - Kailey W., Fall 2018

"All four courses of the TEFL certificate have opened my eyes and deepened my understanding of what being an EFL teacher really means.  It is not just showing up to class and teaching English.  It is a very involved job that requires training, confidence, preparation and patience." - Haley B., Fall 2018

"I have enjoyed the program and I am glad I decided to start this journey. I know I will be able to use what I have learned. I felt like it did a great job of preparing future TEFL instructors and I am excited to see what opportunities come from having this certificate!" - Chloe T., Fall 2018

"This TEFL course has reinforced the idea of continuing to learn as well as how to become an effective teacher for our students" - Kelly R., Fall 2018

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