
Faculty Research

Action Research into Business Conduct (ARBC) Assessment

What do your students know about ethics in business? Has your ethical instruction made a difference in their level of awareness? These are the questions the ARBC assessment will address.

The ARBC, developed by Dr. William Black, is a 10-15 minute online assessment that presents students with different business scenarios and then asks them to rate how acceptable they think the conduct is. With the support of the truist Center for Ethical Leadership, the tool is freely available to instructors and professionals interested in measuring awareness related to ethical issues in business conduct.

Uses of ARBC 

  • In conjunction with an individual course (any subject area)
  • Before and after ethics instruction
  • Over the course of an academic year or a student’s undergraduate career

What Instructors Will Receive

  • An aggregated summary of the responses
  • Comparative analysis of your student's responses to a reference group of seasoned business professionals
  • If a follow-up assessment, comparative analysis of your student's first responses compared to their follow up responses

How to Leverage ARBC's Results

  • Assess whether your intended message regarding ethics has been absorbed by students
  • Determine whether the instruction produced the desired results
  • Readdress or rework any of your ethics content
  • Reach out to the creators of the assessment to further interpret your results
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