Center for Teaching, Learning, and Leadership
The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Leadership (CTLL) supports the University of North Georgia’s commitment to “academic excellence in a student-focused environment.” Through our programs and outreach, CTLL seeks to foster our community of scholar teachers as they pursue research-based design and implementation of significant educational experiences.
Upcoming Workshops
Shut Up & Write
March 4 (Tuesday)
12:30 - 1:30 p.m.This workshop provides participants a block of time to set aside to make progress on research and writing. We will work in one block of fifty minutes with a five-minute block of talking at the beginning and a five-minute block of talking at the end.
Teaching Conversations: Using AI to Promote Student Success
March 5 (Wednesday)
Noon - 1:00 p.m.Explore how AI-driven tools and techniques can enhance educational outcomes and support student achievement.
New Department Heads: Navigating Conflict Resolution and Student Complaints
March 17 (Monday)
Noon - 1:00 p.m.The New Department Heads Workshop Series will be offered as a one-year community to support department heads who have been in administrative positions three years or less. However, we do encourage seasoned department heads to attend and share their experiences. Participants will gather for three meetings during the fall and three meetings during the spring to discuss administrative issues.
Need Our Assistance?
We are available for a one-on-one session to assist and help.