
Financing Education Abroad

Financing Education Abroad is not as difficult as you may think. Students may often use their financial aid, apply for scholarships, and plan ahead financially for their program abroad. The Center for Global Engagement can assist in making your program affordable.

Financing Education Abroad requires some planning. Use the steps below to get started.

  • Step 1Plan for the future
  • Step 2Meet with your education abroad advisor
  • Step 3Meet with your financial aid advisor
  • Step 4Apply to scholarships

Even if you are not going abroad next semester, consider planning for next year or even the year after. It’s never too early to start planning!

Financial Well-being can help you understand your finances before you begin your program search.

Your advisor can assist you in estimating program costs and other associated costs. They can also point you to scholarships which may be a good fit for you. 

with an education abroad advisor either before or after you have selected a program.

You can use your financial aid for education abroad! 

Your financial aid advisor can review your aid package with you so that you know when to expect your aid, what amount of aid you can receive, and what is required of you in order to receive aid. 

Speak with your financial aid advisor today to review your aid package.

Many students qualify for a number of education abroad scholarships. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Center for Global Engagement.

Certain scholarships are considered “nationally competitive” (i.e., Gilman, Freeman Asia, Boren, and CLS). Contact the office of Nationally Competitive Scholarships for more information and assistance with your scholarship application.

Project GO applicants should contact the Project GO office for further information on requirements.


Can I use my financial aid to study abroad?
Yes. Contact your financial aid advisor for more specific requirements.

Do I have to study a language to be eligible for scholarships?
No. There are many scholarships available for non-language majors and programs. Find more information about scholarships.

Who is eligible for scholarships?
Scholarship eligibility requirements vary. Review each scholarship website for more information. Basic eligibility is listed on our scholarships page.

When should I start planning?
It is never too early to start planning. Plan a consultation with Financial Well-being, your financial aid advisor, and education abroad advisor to start planning. 

Many scholarship applications are due at least 4 months before the start of each semester. However, certain applications are due earlier.

Still have questions?
Meet with an or contact the Center for Global Engagement.

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