

  • Student Health Services complies with the Federal HIPPA regulations. All medical information is strictly confidential.
  • Medical information will be released only upon written consent given by the student.
  • All medical information is retained for ten (10) years after the patient reaches the age of majority, per the Board of Regents policies.

Patients’ Rights and Responsibilities

You have the right to:

  • Reasonable access to care, regardless of ethnicity, age, gender, disability, national origin, or sexual orientation
  • Considerate and respectful care tailored to the individual’s needs, value, and beliefs
  • Reasonable access to care within our mission and scope of practice
  • Participate in decisions involving his or her health care
  • Information about diagnosis and treatment
  • Know the identity and professional status of the provider
  • Personal privacy and confidentiality of information
  • Accept or refuse care and to be informed of the medical consequences of refusal
  • Expect reasonable healthy, safe, and secure environment in the clinic
  • To request consultation with another provider if needs cannot be met - will refer to appropriate provider
  • Be informed of research and educational projects affecting care or treatment, and to refuse to participate in such activities
  • Approve or refuse release of information, except as required by law
  • Present concerns and complaints and to receive a response
  • Information provided about services, hours, fees and payment, eligibility

You have the responsibility to:

  • Provide accurate and complete health information to the best of his or her knowledge
  • Report unexpected changes in condition to the provider
  • Report whether you clearly comprehend the plan of treatment and what is expected of you
  • Express any concerns about plan of care and ability to follow it
  • Follow the treatment plan
  • Understand the consequences of noncompliance with the treatment plan and accept the responsibility for refusing treatment or failing to follow instructions
  • Present any significant concerns to the provider or other Health Center representative
  • Keep appointments, or if unable, to inform the health center
  • Respect the rights and the professional integrity of those providing care
  • Respond to Health Center requests for feedback and evaluation of care provided
  • Respect the rights and property of patients and staff
  • Follow Health Center policies and procedures